Our President
By using the most unorthodox yet incredibly useful invention Brown has ever created, the DeLorean Timemachine, SeaNN journalists are able to go ANYWHERE at ANYTIME.
Doctor Emmet Brown is the creator of the DeLorean Timemachine. On October 21st 1985, he went into the future which is where we are today. When he arrived, he was quite shocked with what was in front of his eyes. He witnessed a world filled with utter mayhem, a world that was getting closer to annihilation. As a result of seeing the Earth's current detrimental state, he decided to save the planet by abandoning his home back in 1985 and settle in the 21st century. His plan was to use his time machine, as well as his vast scientific knowledge, in order to save the planet. One of his first projects is SeaNN, a news network that takes advantage of its unique pioneering technology in order to inform humans about three things:
The PAST: By knowing what happened in the past, humans may reflect on the errors that made and not repeat them again in the present.
The PRESENT: By knowing the current problems distinct countries in our world suffer from, political entities may unite to devise a direct plan to tackle them
The FUTURE: By visiting the future, we can foresee the repercussions actions we take in the present have and redeem them if necessary.
A Message from our President and Founder:
"Great Scott!!!
With SeaNN, you guys will now everything that happens everywhere at any time. With our elite group of journalists, we will diligently work towards our goal:
Save the planet through investigative journalism. Prepare yourself to be informed about our first case study: the Indian Ocean Trade through time."
-Doc Brown